H-TEC, Inc. offers, beside a state-of-the-art quality standard, a preventive service around of its products. Because, it is mandatory to maintain Air Release Valves in a certain period of time, the know-how to do this can be taught in different ways:
Learn from the “operating manuals”
Taught by an experienced instructor
Field excursions on operating units
1. All complex products are foreseen with an own manual. These operating manual are more-or-less self-explanatory, with pictures and verbal hints. You will find these manuals either beside the valve and/or on the h-tec homepage:
Operating Manuals
2. The most efficient way to learn more about our products and its capabilities in the field is to communicate face-to-face with one of our field experienced area manager. Each operating system has its own variety of problems and questions when it comes to air release valves. All these issues can be addressed to us, and solutions are so close. Call us and ask for a training on the valves in your classroom. Our instructors will visit you and your personnel: phone# 770.818.0670
Training in the class room
Maintenance instruction in the service shop
3. Maintenance instructions in the field is an easy way to get used to the technology of H-TEC and the preventive maintenance routine. Our experienced instructors will go out with the field technicians of your company to exercise the service and maintenance steps. This will be done after the first installation of an H-TEC air release valve to show how easy it is to keep your system running smooth. Ask for help in the field www.h-tec.us